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A Discrete Geometry Drawing Challenge
Chords in a circle, and an intriguing pattern... time for a drawing challenge!

Kids Learn “New Math” for Good Reasons
Math today is taught differently than how we (the adults) maybe have learned it, and that’s actually a good thing!

Look Out! Big Ideas are Hiding in Your Arithmetic
There are unexpectedly deep ideas hiding in your 'simple' arithmetic!

How Can You Prove Something True by Proving Something Else Can't be True?
To prove something true, what if you prove that its opposite can't possibly be true?

The Value of Mathematical Simplicity
We've all heard of “keeping it simple”, but why is this valuable in mathematics?

Making Math Relevant
The relevance of the math we do matters. We all understand better when we can connect what we are learning to our lives.

Pictures Help us Remember Math
Drawing pictures as we learn, even if what we’re learning doesn’t seem obviously visual, can help us retain what we learn.

Puzzling with your Kids
Working on puzzles with our kids can be rewarding, as long as we adults don’t hog all the learning!

Seven Questions (and One Strategy) to Build Critical Thinking Skills
Critical thinking is all the rage in education, and that’s a good thing. But for a parent, the idea of critical thinking can be kind of vague…

Why Learn Math You Might Never Actually Use?
Don’t feel guilty if you enjoy a piece of mathematics that isn’t “useful”!

How do You Grow a Critical Thinker?
What’s the big deal about critical thinking? And how do I help my child be a better critical thinker?